Work it out ;)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Working harder

So I decided to go all the way today, being efficient, working out hard and being good at my meals. And I did pretty good! :)

Apple w/peanubutter (again)

Omelet (again), with olives too

Nectarine and some nuts

Preworkout snack:
This was a kind of a cheat-meal since I had a tiny bowl of oats with mostly nuts and some dried fruit. Also had a nectarine to get energy for the workout.

Oats with almonds, peanuts, cashew, raisins, cinnamon, protein shake leftovers and "sour milk". YUM! :D

A nectarine. They mature so fast I need to eat several a day when I buy the basket. Will stop buying those baskets. ;)

Bedtime snack:
Cottage Cheese mix original

Did Day 4 - Lower Body - LE programm
Went pretty awesome actually! Need to work on my back squats but I managed to go deeper than before on every exercise. Was exhausted at the end! :O Also need to remember my glutes at all times.


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