Work it out ;)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wednesday phase 4, week 2

Meals were pretty good today, I had a small carb meal before my EEW session (cardio workout) and then one bigger one after. Had omelette, apple/peanutbutter and chicken the rest of the day.

My EEW consisted of a warm doing some light jogging, then I had an interval-run up and down a hill. Sprinting up, walking/jogging slowly back down, then right back up, 8 times. The last time I did this I could only do 4! Then some more relaxed jogging after the intervals, before I did one of those "lets toss some timber"-workouts!
Our neighbor at our cabin is cutting down some pines, and stuff was lying all over the place! So I found a log that I used for some core muscle training before I tossed some ready-cut pieces that were lying in a pile. And It was so much fun!!! YAY!!!! :D

Tuesday phase 4, week 2

Meals were really good the whole day, but then I went to our cabin where my parents had company - which I knew. First I had a regular dinner with fish, potatoes and overcooked vegetables, hehe. Then mom served waffles - I didn't have any. But as the evening went on, people (and I) got hungry again and mom served bread and crackers with BRIE cheese and jams of strawberry, raspberry and cloudberry, yummmm!!! I LOVE Brie and couldn't help myself. I ate way to much. But that's ok every once in a while, so I'll forgive myself. Besides i did one hell of a workout. ;)

Did upper body again for day two this time, which is a lot about core muscle. It was hard, and I worked real hard on it too, pushing with both weights and speed. So I'm really proud of myself! :D I also did a few pullups/chinups at the end just to exhaust myself - which worked extremely well since I was already pretty beat, hehe. So I definitely deserved some brie. :)

Monday phase 4, week 2

So today I did the lower body workout for day 1, phase 4.
I hadn't done this last week, so it was a bit different for me. But since a lot of the exercises were familiar I still rocked it! At the end there is a superset with 15sec rest inbetween a romanian single leg exercise and a donkey kickback exercise. I felt like cutting my legs off at the end - WOW that bites!!!! Since my back is crooked I felt it really well in my right butt-cheek, so I had to lean over a little to even that out. I still had a major butt-ache at the end. Go me!
(Today, Wednesday, I am so sore in my hamstrings it's ridiculous.)

Meals were good, don't remember exactly what I ate. Oh, yes, I had oats ++ for breakfast because Espen had made everything ready for me! I didn't have the heart to put it away and make my omelette... Also had oats as PW meal, and the rest of day was the regular omlette, salad and nuts.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

So I actually had a pretty good weekend with the food. Had a daily omelette, bowl of oats (as PW meals), and salmon. Had snacks with cottage cheese mixes, nuts, apples etc. Also made myself a salad on Sunday.


Did Day 4 Uppper Body for phase 4. Could have gone heavier on some exercises, but wasn't wuite sure how heavy I could go since we had a lot of new exercises/supersets/combinations. Still did a decent job! Felt wuite a bit of soreness in the evening from yesterdays workout!

Oh man. we were both pretty sore from the lower body workout Thursday, so we had a fairly light EEW today. Did some kickboxing and sticks in the sun :)
I was sore in places I didn't know we had muscles. And I've been all kinds of sore before. WOW!! :O

Sunday is our day off, but we still need to eat well! And so I did pretty good on the meals. Just the regular stuff, I need to get more inventive...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Working harder

So I decided to go all the way today, being efficient, working out hard and being good at my meals. And I did pretty good! :)

Apple w/peanubutter (again)

Omelet (again), with olives too

Nectarine and some nuts

Preworkout snack:
This was a kind of a cheat-meal since I had a tiny bowl of oats with mostly nuts and some dried fruit. Also had a nectarine to get energy for the workout.

Oats with almonds, peanuts, cashew, raisins, cinnamon, protein shake leftovers and "sour milk". YUM! :D

A nectarine. They mature so fast I need to eat several a day when I buy the basket. Will stop buying those baskets. ;)

Bedtime snack:
Cottage Cheese mix original

Did Day 4 - Lower Body - LE programm
Went pretty awesome actually! Need to work on my back squats but I managed to go deeper than before on every exercise. Was exhausted at the end! :O Also need to remember my glutes at all times.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Clean slate

Not funny. Post suddenly WAS a clean slate. Here we go again:

An apple w/peanutbutter

Omelet (3whites, 1yolk) with red pepper, mushroom, light cheese, scallions and ham. Had a nectarine before workout.

Oats with nuts and a little dried fruit, one freshly cut banana topped with cinnamon. Served with both milk and "Cultura", a thicker and more sour milk with bacterias that are good for your stomache.

Tuna with a mixed veggie-wok and some sauce for taste

Cottage Cheese mix w/banana :)

Did the workout for Tuesday (day 2) phase 4 in LE, aka upper body supersets. Also had a light martial art workout in the evening.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Food for Monday:
- Omelet
- Banana w/peanutbutter
- Salad
- Some nuts
- Salad
- Chili + two tiny wafles

Food for Tuesday:
- Omelet
- Apple w/peanutbutter
- Salad
- Snow peas + carrot
- Swine filet with aspargus, tomato, onion, cucumber, a little corn and fuccachi bread
- Apple/rubarb pie with a small piece of ice cream

Workout Monday:
Did the whole body woekout and did pretty good compared not being completely 100% still. Nothing to put on the effort at least! :D

Workout Tuesday:
Nothing scheduled for today, will do today's workout (EEW) on Thursday.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Ok, so we're encouraged to keep a food and workout-log for this course that I'm in with the PN system. So from now on I'll try to pop in here and write my daily meals and workouts.

So today here is what I ate:

Omelett with mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus, onion, scallion and ham. 3 egg whites, 1 yolk. Only ate a little over half of it

Peanuts with an occasional raisin or dried fruit.

Salad with broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, onion, scallion, mushrooms, black olives, ham (leftovers), asparagus, green pepper. Raw vegetables only.

Nuts again

Afternoon meal:
Same salad as before

PW meal:
Oats with a few raisins, cinnamon and a "good for the tummy" biola milk/yoghurt thing. Neutral flavor.

Bedtime snack:
Salmon with broccoli and a quark-based "dressing".


Today I had an EEW workout scheduled, and I warmed up just walking my after-work round that I have to do, which involves some lifting and trowing, bending and squatting a lot.
Then ran on an interval based run, part jogging, part walking, part running. Ended with biking home at a decent speed.

Still feeling a little week since my little tummy-thing here at the beginning of the week, but definitiely getting better!

See you tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Precision Nutrition!

I have THE best boyfriend:
The Precision Nutrition system that both Espen and I have showed interest in for a while now (him longer than I) just started a new Lean Eating Coaching Program, where anyone can sign up, pay, join and LEARN! They deal with both lifestyle, attitude, workouts, nutrition and are there to guide you whatever questions you might have.
100 men and 100 women are able to be part of this, and my FANTASTIC boyfriend signed both me and him up for it!! It lasts 6 months, and we just got started this week(end).

Yesterday we had our first day of trying some workout programs; Work Out 1 for Mon, Wed, and Fri, Work Out 2 for the other three days, rest on Sunday. Unfortunately I didn't have access to the gym yesterday, but since these two weeks now are only for practice, I hope I will be ok.

Espen and I tried Work Out 2 together today, and since we had little time and did a shorter version than we normally would have, it went excellent. As I said, we're just practicing the movements right now, and we both found out what exercises we need to take a closer look at, and what works really well. I'm so excited to see where this goes! :D

I'll be updating a lot in the future, keep an eye open! ;)

PS: I have lost about 4 pounds since easter, just by being a little more active during the day, and by eating smaller meals - I think. Haven't really thought about it at all, and suddenly some pants was a little looser. ;)