Work it out ;)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Phase III - Kasama!

Seems like I only update this blog when I grade in Kali, haha. But at least that's better than never ;)

So, July 2008 I got my phase III and also the intructor degree Kasama! It was during the annual Summercamp in Germany, and I did a pretty good job! At least if you compare me to some of the bunch who didn't even know half the curriculum when coming there, hehe. But I need to wrok on my stamina for sure. And I know it. Sucks. :P

So a year has passed and I have grown tired of eating so frikkin lean all the time. Plus, after Christmas out budget just busted big-time, and we had to turn to bread as a supliment. Some days that was all we ate, that and müsli. Yay. Now we eat a little better, and just made a huge pot of something from Espen's great Berardi Cook-book. Looking forward to trying it, it has chili in it, hihi.

Work-outs have been slow after Christmas, but we're getting there, nice and slow, hehe. I started assisting Espen's mom's dance-class, and am also attending a StreetDance class a different place. I LOVE dancing again!!! But it's a little slow - I started the New Beginners Class cause it's been a while. But I might change classes, we'll see. ;)

But, that's all for now, later!