Back on track
- Did the stairmachine for 5min, just to warm up a little
- Worked on those machines up by the elliptic machines, in a different order than I usually do, worked abs pretty hard. Did more reps on most machines! :D
My diet is going really well this week, went shopping for greens Tuesday! I don't have room for much in my fridge, but gonna replace some of the "junkfood" I have with greens and stuff, and here is my start:

In addition to this I already had broccoli, cottage cheese and tomatoes, plus lettuce.
It's not that I have a lot of junkfood, the closest thing in my fridge right now must be the philadelphia cheese spread. So I ain't that unhealthy! But we do have a bowl of candy right smack in the middle of our kitchen table, and I walk past it at LEAST 50 times a day. So good jpb on me for not taking any! ;)
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go make a salad! :D